Ocean friendly anti-fouling solution.

Keeping things cleaner, lighter and easier to clean. Even able to deliver a bigger yield.

Without using heavy metals or biocides.


Our technology is copied from nature using a trace element with the utmost biological importance. The element is vital for all living things. We do not use toxic substances, heavy metals or biocides.


Without ending up in the ocean.


The technology does not rely on migration to be effective. The technology does not need to leach away to fight bacteria or germs. The technology is part of the mechanical/physical property or the material. It is intrinsic, inert inside the material and does not come out or leach away. So it will never end up in our oceans.


Anti-fouling and sustainable.


Two words that are practically a contradiction. Not anymore. As there is nothing toxic inside our materials and there is noting leaching out ending up in the ocean. It does not get more sustainable than that. Plus it can improve yield, and it keeps things lighter and easier to clean.



Preventing fouling on aquaculture crates and improving yield.
Using Saniconcentrate™ in the production of aquaculture tanks brings tremendous benefits. It is preventing fouling to keep the crates clean and lighter and easier to clean. But what the aqua farmers immediately noted while harvesting the abalones growing in these tanks, is that the prevention of fouling creates lesser competition for oxygen and nutrients, and is delivering a bigger yield.

Aquaculture tanks used for growing abalones normally build up significant fouling after 6 months in water. This is obstructing holes and increasing weight. The tanks in the pictures were both new at the start of the test, and produced with the same type of material. Tanks produced with the addition of the Saniconcentratre™ prevent the adhesion of fouling and remain clean over the entire period of use. (click to enlarge)

Abalone, in Japan known as the “truffle of the sea” is much more developed when grown in an aquaculture tank made with the addition of the Parx Materials technology. Preventing fouling means preventing direct competition for food with other species and is reducing the obstruction of food, oxygen and other resources. (click to enlarge)

Significant cleaner and lighter nets.

A project involving a wide scope to come up with technological improvements for fishing nets. A project supported by the local government in China and lasting a total of 12-14 months.


Anti-fouling, but ecofriendly and not ending up in the ocean.



Zwiers Regulatory Consultancy finalised its evaluation and confirms the compliance of Saniconcentrate™ in food contact applications according to EU and US regulations.

To proof food contact material compliance with EU and US regulation, research has been done for each substance within Saniconcentrate™. Moreover, to proof safety for each of them, regulation and databases of food additives, cosmetic ingredients, handbook of pharmaceutical excipients, CLP regulation (to ensure a high level of protection of health and the environment), regulatory agencies inventories and other sources such REACH, Pesticide and Plant protection product regulation have been consulted.

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